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Wildlife Eyes

Soil Magic

May 27, 2019

I’ve been trying to do my part for the planet ● By ensuring my kitchen waste doesn’t get taken for granted ● Chop, chop with the knife for salads and snacks ● Scraps get tossed aside to pursue their second chance ● Into my makeshift compost bucket, they go ● To mix and mingle where the bacteria grow ●This science experiment has lasted quite a while ● I pull the lid off weekly to add to the rising pile ● peel off the produce stickers, pull out the pits ● these are parts you’ll want to omit ● Carrot tops, onion layers and avocado skins ● Banana peels, cabbage heads and eggshells thrown in the bin ● Tomato stems, wilted cilantro, small tidbits and lemon rind ● Orange pith, potato peels and tough kale trims end up inside ● All of these ingredients are considered my “greens” ● And combined with “browns” this process helps to keep nature clean ● Egg cartons, bits of paper, and dried fallen leaves do the trick ● A spray of water, rigorous turn, and soon enough the procedure sticks ● This formula is proven, and it works every time ● Days turn into months, and the food slowly turns to slime ● This organic material; my old fruit and veggie litter ● Undergoes a chemical transformation, where it shifts to something better ● Rich with nutrients, this end product is quite fresh ● Packed with nitrogen- healthy material formed from a mess ● My small garden will be happy, as I’ve created soil! ● An oozing vat of benefits from mold and garbage spoil! ● the compost tea will help to nourish my plants ● As they work hard to grow amid the photosynthesis dance ● The more I churn and blend and swirl the oxygen creeps in ● A necessary component for the breakdown to begin ● Every time I hike, decomposition is all about ● The earthworms, snails, and slugs are really working out ● Munching on the leaf litter, decaying matter and carrion ● Excreting pure rudiments from their tiny abdomen ● These critters are small, the bottom of the food-chain ● But their endless contributions are never-ever vain ● Mother earth has been doing this magic trick for ages ● Its time we followed suit and borrowed a few of her pages ● You don’t need wealth, or great space to make this happen ● It just takes a few steps- so join the movement and hop on in! give it a go and make a compost bin!

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