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Wildlife Eyes

Mouse morning

January 31st, 2019

A poem:

My morning did not start exactly as planned ● It began with discovering something my colleague had canned ● Beneath the rim was a tiny helpless Deer mouse ● Who had definitely not selected this can as its house ● I’m sure it ventured indoors with the aid of its sniffer ● To find scraps and crumbs for a miniature dinner ● Perhaps the warmth and protection was a factor as well ● With insulation, wood walls and a roof to quell ● The winter freeze and predators found beyond our door ● Amidst a giant world for a small mouse to explore ● Sure-the worms, beetles, spiders and fungus found outside are nice ● The seeds, berries, herbs and roots generally suffice ● But he heard rumor from his distant-cousin the bat ● That this visitor center is posh- it’s where the goods are at ● Bedding and food and cozy spots to hide ● Rafters and dark corners where his wing-ed friends glide ● With twitching whiskers sensing the vibrations all around ● Large ears open wide to scope out sounds heard from low on the ground ● This little critter was simply fulfilling its needs ● A desire to survive, with instinct driving the deed ● So- why must you scream, why must you shout ● Why must you waive your hands all about ● This innocent creature is frightened for sure ● It meant you no harm and its intentions were pure ● It didn’t mean to leave those little droppings for you to find ●On the counter, in the cupboard, over, under and behind ● The chewed wire that brought down the phones for a day ● That was an accident too- it just got a little carried away ● So-scoop up the can, gentle and easy ● Cautious steps and sure movements so your passenger doesn’t get queasy ● Back out the door, and far down the trail ● I peer down to see it hiding, wrapped within its tail ● You’re almost there, to your wild and natural abode ● Beneath the ferns, moss, branches and bark furrowed ● To a soil burrow amidst the debris and leaf litter ● Where you can bounce, hop, scurry and skitter ● I’ve found a great spot, in a niche just for your kind ● Where you can live freely in nature; the elements aligned ● I crouch down on the ground, tilt the can to its side ● The mouse tentatively emerges, from its aluminum ride ● Two tiny hands grasping the edge, its bright black eyes scanning ahead ● It slowly crawls out, seeming unsure of its tread ● It comes forward, touching my shoe ● As if to say “thanks, now I bid you adieu” ● It scampers along, delicately weaving through the leaf-maze ● Its had a rough day, it’s in a bit of a daze ● I watch it travel till I see it no more ● Wishing it a healthy life with abundant food stores ● Good luck little guy, you are precious and wild ● Thank you for this special visit, you’ve left me beguiled!

Common Name: Deer Mouse

Scientific Name: Peromyscus maniculatus

On a side note, this mouse belongs to the Family "Cricetidae"- which I've always thought was cute, since they are small like crickets! There's a fun fact to start your day with.

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