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Wildlife Eyes

"Excuse me"

February 7, 2019

This small amphibian fellah was sitting on the side• when my big boots scuffled by it didn’t try to hop or hide• I walked past again for a closer view• deciding that there must be something I could do• I crouched down on all fours for a face-to-face peek• my nose inches from the ground, I begin to softly speak• “excuse me little friend, I was hopeful you could move”• “you’re in the middle of the walkway, I strongly disapprove”• “Our visitors come and go, and they don’t often look down”• “I fear that if they tread too close, you won’t easily get around”• A side-step, a crazy jump, perhaps a backhand spring• evasive maneuvers of the slimy-style, isn’t that a frog thing?• Again I kneel closer, encouraging it to skedaddle• to avoid a confrontation; a webbed foot vs. rubber-sole battle• Turns out it wasn’t in a state for a proper get-away• dehydrated and dried up, it was in no mood to dissuade• Concerned for its well-being, and future days of swimming• I scooped it up to safety-so it could reside amongst the living• I ran inside to grab some water, good-old froglet first-aid• pouring it drip-by-drip, a process that could not be delayed• Covered in lint, fuzz, and spider web- which was previously unseen• I plucked and pulled-a dainty dance-to ensure it was clean• Where did it come from? What corner come untucked?• With wildlife-eyes peering down, it fell into some luck• Its mummified stance soon began to fade• little toes wiggle-wiggle at the progress that was made• More moisture to replenish the parched and withered hide• helping to revitalize the delicate insides• Another bottle added to this miniature shower• I watch as it slowly improves from H20’s mighty healing powers• In my hand it crawls for a comfy spa-day bath• its second eyelids closing against the cold splish-splash• I return it to the ground, upon the drenched leaf-litter• it stretches out, full of vigor- looking much more chipper• Strategically tucked beneath the ferns, amidst the leathery salal• I walk away to later return, quietly watching it crawl• By the time I take a final glimpse• away it slinks and into the lake it slips• Back to its home with the muskrat, otter, and fish• it seeks a fresh start, thankful it was not squished• A few minutes later I come back with a wonder• but the small green creature has continued yonder!

Common Name: Pacific Tree frog

Scientific Name: Pseudacris regilla

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