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About me:


I’m a Washingtonian through and through, born and raised here in the Pacific Northwest- the “Evergreen State”. I’m employed full-time as a Naturalist, and I’m one of those quirky individuals who can spend 2 hours hiking ½ mile because along the way I have the urge to examine every leaf, feather, mushroom, fern, pile of scat, cluster of dirt, dead thing………..I think you get the idea. Some folks find this endearing while others are eager to reach the view at the top and are less than patient. Luckily for me, my sidekick Ember enjoys stopping to sniff (and sometimes pee on) the scenery- so we make a pretty great team. I’m passionate about nature, and though I never claim to be an expert- I do love being a life-learner and constantly immersing myself in our endlessly saturated and flourishing forests. I adore trees, and anything that adores and adorns them. The natural world is my happiness- it brings me peace, evokes curiosity, satisfies my “tree hugging” cravings and excites me with endless possibilities. It’s been ever-persistent in my past, a ritual of my present, and a plan for my future………and second to nature as my greatest love is sharing it with others.  

BUT- this blog isn’t necessarily about me, it’s about the world through my eyes. Through my “wildlife-eyes”, and often times the eyes of the wildlife I’m admiring. As I capture moments throughout my week and present them in a format for you to enjoy. My friends and family have been telling me for years, that people like yourselves would value what I have to share. I admit, I’ve been tentative to start as I feel I’ve already missed 10 years of documenting my outings- but hey- why not start now. So here I go, from 2019 onwards, with occasional memories of the past thrown in.

I wanted to start this blog to share my musings with others, like yourself. To open your eyes to the great green state around us. To instill in you a sense of place, belonging, value and meaning- connected to the outdoors. To help preserve and protect our wild places by respecting and cherishing them and passing along that sentiment to others. To help you make meaningful connections with your special places, by welcoming you ever-so-slightly into my little world. To be honest- I’m relatively private, and social media is definitely not my first instinct or forte. I tend to avoid technology if at all possible, often referring to myself as “old-school”, relying heavily on my field guides, the wise words of others, natural instinct and common sense. However, I suppose It’s time to adapt (only a bit), to our ever-changing world if I want to successfully reach an audience and capture the interest of those who will listen. I’m hopeful this simple blog will be a low impact creativity-release enjoyed by folks like you. I appreciate the flowy, minimal-structure freedom this will offer.

Thank you for stopping to read, I look forward to posting a variety of whimsies here. Stay tuned for more to come!



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